
At Colonial Pennsylvania Farmstead we offer workshops in a wide variety of historic skills.  Learning historic skills gives us the chance to connect with people in the past, connect with how things are made, and connect with our own ability to create.  Many of our workshops are geared toward beginners. In those workshops we create a supportive space for people to try new things and maybe find a fun new hobby.

We offer workshops in a wide variety of skills including things like spinning, ox driving, stenciling, broom making, block printing, and many more.  So, if you don’t see something that piques your interest, sign up to receive our emails and be notified when new workshops are listed.  Or better yet, become a member and get the chance to sign up before registration opens to the general public.
Workshops also include admission to the farm for the day when the site is open to the public. Reservations are required for all workshops.

Hearth Cooking

Cooking was an essential part of everyday life on the farm. Experience how farm families prepared food in the 18th century by preparing a meal in the colonial kitchen! Participants will have an opportunitiy to taste what they’ve created.

Saturday, April 12th
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Soap Making

Learn about the soap making process used for laundry in the 18th century, including making lye using a lye barrel. Participants will make their own soap to take home!

Saturday, May 3rd
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Join this beginners workshop focused on blacksmithing in the 18th century. Participants will have the opportunity for hands-on experience!

Saturday, May 24th
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Check out all of the exciting events coming up at the Farmstead this season!

Colonial Pennsylvania Farmstead

PO Box 158
Gradyville, PA, 19039, US

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